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Github Murals


The Challenge:

Github was seeking to create an atmosphere that is both visually engaging, reflective of Github's values and visual language, while still allowing each artist to express their unique voice. The design solutions needed to be vibrant and eye-catching. Production ready artwork ready for production and installation. Ensure that the murals are of the highest quality and will stand out in any environment.

The Solution:

Github's Raleigh, NC office space now showcases spectacular murals. It's turning heads due to it’s stunning murals. We created images that lead to an awe-inspiring work environment. The artists delivered in spades. The murals are bold and vibrant, and they bring a sense of life and energy to the space.


After sending in initial sketches to the team they wrote back and asked if it would was interest in developing two murals. Below you will see the two finals. If process documentation is what you’re here for, it’s down there, keep scrolling.


Github’s Diverse Neighborhoods

As remote work continues to evolve many companies are looking to inspire and provide an environment to bring the team into the office. With each office opening in a new city, new challenges arise on how to get teams back into the office. GitHub is no different in wanting to provide and create an environment that embodies the values while breathing life into the work space.

The GitHub Art Team has taken it a step further by using them as shape language throughout our illustrations and animations. We use them as accents and tools, foliage, and levers. We even extrude them to create furniture and walls. This is all meant to provide a structure for our visual voice.

Looking for ways to inject fresh and vibrant visuals into their new offices in Raleigh, NC, GitHub searched to find several local NC artists and designers to visualize and design murals for specific spots with in the “neighborhoods” of the building. Each neighborhood was themed and the artists would develop their visions for the spaces. “Accelerating Human Progress” Is the theme guiding and upholding Github’s visuals and brand artwork .

A - Academia

B - Benchmark

C - Collaborator

D - Disruptor




The theme for these murals, and all of our brand artwork, is Accelerating Human Progress.

- Github


Sketches & Iterations


Very rarely does the first idea jotted down go on to be the final solution. As things with the build pivoted and the locations of these murals shifted slightly, themes and dimensions were also shifting. Being flexible and adapt to these changes is part of the job and the expertise being brought to the table.

Iterating is part of the process. Moving closer to the finish line where everything fits and feels right as a whole.

Beginning the project was difficult, but in the opposite of a normal project where you start at a blank artboard or canvas. There was a mountain of resources Github turned over to use. The desire to make these murals something that mirrors back familiar images was hard to keep in check.

We had the Octocat and Hubot to use and interpret into the murals. A plethora of Octicons and Githubs Art Team’s Shape Language elements were at the ready. The main thing was keeping the the Core Values at the heart of the visuals.

Githubs Core Values
Positive impact
Shipping (finishing a project)


Getting Sneaky


When developing these murals there were lots of information being processed. Elements of the industry were being injected. Nods to the city itself being integrated, as well as being very intentional about using visuals from with in Githubs library of icons and characters.

Bringing life to the icons that are a part of Github’s visual system was exciting. My hope was employees could look at the mural over the course of years and continue to find new things.

Historic buildings are integrated. Being the City of Oaks, squirrels and acorns make an appearance. Addresses of office buildings and secondary locations are used as item numbers and tech identification.

One of the more complex easter easter eggs hidden in these murals are Git Identicons. If you want to create some of your own, head over to this site. Here are some examples of identicons.


What are those?

An Identicon is a visual representation of a hash value, usually of an IP address, that serves to identify a user of a computer system as a form of avatar while protecting the user's privacy. The original Identicon was a 9-block graphic, and the representation has been extended to other graphic forms by third parties.

The use of caps also alters the identicon. As you see there are three identicons that have disruptor as their word, but initial caps, all caps, and lowercase all produce unique icons.

academic identicon











These two Identicons were snuck into the Academic Mural.

Ship to Learn



Other Easter Eggs

There was an immense amount of information and inspiration that i had to pull from. Being the City of Oaks, there were several iterations of how exactly to showcase this. At the end of the day the simplicity of digitizing an acorn was the winner.


GitHub boasts an extensive library filled with a wide range of resources and materials, including videos, icons, and illustrations. As I sifted through this collection, I selected elements that were already a part of the company's existing ethos and culture. Then set to the task of infusing a fresh perspective. The iconic Octocat and Hubot in this video frame served as the basis for the outline rendering of Hubot alongside the nut.


Dorton Arena, Raleigh,

Matthew Nowicki (1910-1950), architect and educator, was a faculty member and acting head of the Department of Architecture at the newly formed North Carolina State College School of Design from 1948 to 1950. An educator, designer, and planner of international scale, his legacy lies mostly in his inspiring influence at the School of Design, his lost potential to alter the course of modern architectural and planning thought and practice, and in the radical design of his one executed commission in North Carolina, the internationally known J. S. Dorton Arena, completed after his death. A sketch artist of exceptional fluidity and skill, Nowicki left behind a wealth of drawings that illustrate his even greater originality and ability as a designer. You can read more on him here


The future is female.

DocReed-Reedicus-Mural-North-Carolina-Designer-Illustrator-Github-Helment-1 sm.jpg

Many of the elements that went into both of these murals were founded in making sure voices from the various parts to the city could be seen. The first concepts provided included a portrait of Anna Cooper. She was a Raleigh born, American author, educator, sociologist, speaker, Black liberation activist during her time. It was important for both Github and myself, to show a woman front and center for both the space exploration and technology industries. Github’s focus on being a disruptor finds its way into several aspects of company culture and what they are trying to do in the tech space.


Preflight Production

Take a virtual stroll through the space.

Project Scope :


Doc Reed: Illustrator, Designer, Final Production
Mark Morris: Art Director and Project Management
Hovin Wang: Creative Director - Github

Project Credits:

Github-Mural-Page Hero.jpg